Request for Qualifications
Project-Specific Prequalification of General Contractors for the Chicago Park District’s Capital Improvement Program
The Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) has issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Project-Specific Prequalification of General Contractors for the Chicago Park District Capital Improvement Program Projects.
The renovation scope for the Chicago Park District Capital Improvement Program requires selective demolition, renovation, and ADA upgrades of at least eight (8) Park District facilities and fieldhouses. The Chicago Park District Capital Improvement Program renovation projects located in the following Chicago Park District Locations, include, but are not limited to: Archer Park, Austin Town Hall Park, Columbus Park, Fosco Park, Harrison Park, La Follette Park, Lincoln Cultural Center, and Robichaux Park, respectively. The Project(s) Scope of Work for the eight (8) facilities involves a range of renovation work to and for historically significant buildings, as well as, non-historic building types.
The project-specific scopes may include a range of renovation activities from accessibility improvements; path of travel upgrades and renovations; removal and replacement of existing roofs; exterior and interior stone and masonry repairs; as well as, renovation and upgrades to existing bathroom facilities. The renovations may also include various exterior and interior finishes consistent with project areas impacted by the proposed Scope of Work. Existing mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire alarm systems may be revised as necessary. The renovation effort may require environmental remediation at project areas impacted by the proposed Scope of Work.
Construction is anticipated to commence Fall of 2017 and project completion is expected by June 2018.
Submission Due Date:
Request for Qualifications and Proposal submittals must be delivered by July 25, 2017 at 4:00PM (CST) to the attention of Patricia Montenegro, Public Building Commission of Chicago, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington Street, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602.
Pre-Submission Conference:
A pre-submission conference will be held on Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 9:00 am at the following location:
Public Building Commission of Chicago
2nd Floor Boardroom
50 West Washington
Chicago, IL 60602
Firms interested in becoming prequalified for this Program are strongly encouraged to attend.
Pre-Submission Conference Materials:
- Pre-Submission Conference – Agenda(7/11/17)
- Pre-Submission Conference – Sign-In (7/11/17)
Patricia Montenegro, Contracting Officer: [email protected]
- RFQ Document (6/30/17)
- Addendum No. 1 for (RFQ) for the Project-Specific Prequalification of General Contractors for the Chicago Park District Capital Improvement Program Projects can be obtained by clicking on the following link: Addendum No. 1
Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #ParksCIP
For more information about this program, view the related project pages: