Project Description:
The Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for firms (including firms proposing to have a controlling interest in Joint Ventures) interested in providing Construction Management at Risk Services for Various Chicago Public Schools (Package 1).
Solicitation Document:
RFP Document
Pre-Submission Activities: (added per Addendum No. 2)
A Pre-Submission Conference will be held on Monday, November 26, 2018 at 10:00am at the following location:
Charles A. Hayes Family Investment Center
Multipurpose Room
4859 South Wabash
Chicago, Illinois 60615
Firms interested in submitting a response are strongly encouraged to attend the Pre-Submission Conference.
Pre-Submission Conference Materials:
- Pre-submission Conference Attendance Sign-in Sheet
- Pre-submission Conference Agenda
- Pre-submission Conference Presentation
Submission Deadline:
Submittals must be delivered by 9:30 am on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 (updated per Addendum No. 5) to the attention of Patricia Montenegro, Public Building Commission, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200, Chicago, Illinois 60602.
All questions regarding this contract must be submitted in writing to Patricia Montenegro, Contract Officer, Public Building Commission, 50 West Washington, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602. Questions may also be emailed to [email protected].
- Addendum No. 1 for Construction Management at Risk Services for Various Chicago Public Schools (Package 1) can be obtained by clicking on the following links:
- Addendum No. 2 for Construction Management at Risk Services for Various Chicago Public Schools (Package 1) can be obtained by clicking on the following link: Addendum 2 – Issued November 16, 2018
- Addendum No. 3 for Construction Management at Risk Services for Various Chicago Public Schools (Package 1) can be obtained by clicking on the following links:
- Addendum 3 – Issued November 23, 2018
- Decatur Addendum No. 3 Project Documents
- Dirksen Addendum No. 3 Project Documents
- McDade Addendum No. 3 Project Documents
- Palmer Addendum No. 3 Project Documents
- Poe Addendum No. 3 Project Documents
- Rogers Addendum No. 3 Project Documents – None
- Addendum 3 – Issued November 23, 2018
- Addendum No. 4 for Construction Management at Risk Services for Various Chicago Public Schools (Package 1) can be obtained by clicking on the following link: Addendum 4 – Issued November 28, 2018
- Addendum No. 5 for Construction Management at Risk Services for Various Chicago Public Schools (Package 1) can be obtained by clicking on the following links:
- Addendum 5 – Issued November 30, 2018
Follow this project on Twitter PBCChi#CMARforVariousCPSSchoolsP1
Public Building Commission of Chicago
Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chairman
Carina E. Sánchez, Executive Director
Office of Inspector General Complaint Hotline
If you see corruption, fraud, waste, or dishonest practices of any kind please report it to the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG) – PBC’s oversight body. Concerned employees, contractors, consultants, and members of the public may contact OIG via its independent hotline and website.
Telephone Reporting: (866) IG-TIPLINE (866-448-4754).
Web Reporting: