Advertisement for BidsContract PS1038 – Request for Proposals forPlayground Equipment
Project Name: Request for Proposals (RFP) for Playground Equipment PS1038. Type of Work: The PBC is soliciting competitive, seaqled proposals from qualified manufacturers to provide playground equipment and services. Submission Due Date: Qualification Submittals must be delivered by Thursday, March 22th by 4:00 pm to the Public Building Commission of Chicago, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200. Pre-Submittal Meeting: A pre-submittal meeting will be held Wednesday, March 14, 2006 at 10:00 am in Room 200, Richard J. Daley Center. Questions: All questions regarding this contract must be submitted in writing to Mr. Miguel Fernadez, Contract Negotiator, Public Building Commission, 50 West Washington, Room 200, Chicago, IL 60602. Questions may be emailed to [email protected] or faxed to Mr. Fernandez at 312/744-3572. Documents:
- RFP for Playground Equipment.
- Professional Service Agreement.
- Sample Small Playground Layout.
- Small Plan Equipment List.
- Sample Medium Playground Layout.
- Medium Plan Equipment List.
- Sample Large Playground Layout.
- Large Plan Equipment List.
- Addendum 1.
Proposal Submittals must be submitted on documents provided by the PBC. Proposal Submittals received after the announce date and time for the bid opening will not be accepted. The PBC reserves the right to reject any or all RFPs. Imcomplete submittals will not be considered.
Firms Attending the Pre-Submittal Conference:
- Harrison Company
- Howard L. White & Associates
- Illinois at Play
- Let’s go Play, Inc.
- Little Tikes Commercial
- Mobile Mini, Inc.
- NuToys Leisure Products
- Play & Park Structures
- Parkreation/Little Tikes
- Park & Rec Supply
- Speed Gonzales Landscaping